The Secret To Creating A Change.

Anna T2M
5 min readNov 14, 2020

You must be thinking, “why are we even talking about change when we’re all so comfortable here?” Well, take a moment and look around you. Were there moments when you felt unhappy about, or things that frustrates you in your life?

At least for me, speaking from my perspective as a growing adult, I have to admit that there were many issues and problems that frustrates me. A lot.

Things like the ability to make my own decisions as a youth or realizing the fact that some people only do things for the sake of doing, as well as how our society views our fellow members of the marginalized communities… These are issues that speak to me, and issues that I hope to be able to speak for one day.

But first, we need to realize that there is a need for a change for greater things to come. While some may argue that one will be bound to have a loss during a changing phase, we all have to acknowledge that the “good” or “potentially better” can never come if there isn’t any risk and exchange involved.

To simply put, the idea of change is when something is being replaced or made differently, bringing different outcomes and experiences to people’s lives.

“If you want something you have never had, you must be willing to do something you have never done.” — Thomas Jefferson

Now that you agree with me that there are some things in life that can be changed, but why aren’t most of us doing so?

Resistant to Change.

As we start to develop a certain habit or routine, it makes us feel as if we’re in control as we start to get used to it. Based on my personal experiences, I hear many peers using the term “stepping out of my comfort zone” when talked about personal growth. It is true that our “comfort zones” are like our safe spaces, where we behave the way we usually do and a place where we feel most secure about ourselves.

However, I would like to argue that change and personal growth doesn’t necessarily have to come from stepping out of your comfort zones. Instead, it can start from somewhere small and you can always start from within.


I think that stepping out of one’s comfort zone requires a big step and is never easy especially for people who are shy in nature. You don’t have to intentionally act or behave differently to force a change.

Instead, being willing to try new things that you never had, even if it’s a one-time experience, is a small inner work that one would have to overcome first.

It’s all within the mind and the attitude.

Oftentimes when we say that we’re afraid of trying new things, it’s usually because we’re afraid to fail. We can’t foresee ourselves at the end stage, we have no clue whether we’ll make it through, whether we’ll commit to it, hence rejecting opportunities that came to us before.

It’s in the same context of committing to a new relationship, going for an adventurous activity, trying out a new hobby, meeting new people, trying out a new dish and so on. Some of these things may sound manageable to you, while some of these may sound intimidating to you. It’s okay, at least you’re now aware of the reason behind your resistance.

Think about it: Is there something you want to achieve but haven’t done so? And why?


If your answer is that you’re afraid or has Post Trauma Stress Disorder (PTSD), then this is when you need to overcome your fear within your mental ability.

And I know that it’s not going to be easy, but I know you’ll get there if you are willing to try and put effort to it.

And whether or not your answer happens to be that you’re lazy, the idea of inertia is still relevant.

Definition of Inertia:

“A property of matter by which it continues in its existing state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line, unless that state is changed by an external force.

In other words, Inertia is the resistance to move unless a force is being applied. Similarly, nothing is going to be accomplished if no effort is being put into making it happen. It’s also the very Singaporean way of expression that goes: “Talk Only, No Action”. Ideas will forever stay as ideas if no form of actionable steps are being taken.


The first step is always the hardest indeed.

Even for me, having to write this article entry after 5 months of not writing, was a really big step that I had to overcome. I always had this on my checklist for the past two months to “write a blog post or an article about something” and it was being left there unchecked till today.

As I repeatedly convinced myself that it’s ok to keep this checklist on hold because of my busy schedule from work and school, I only recently acknowledged that I was merely giving myself excuses all these while.

Having a competitive trait by nature, I personally face this worry of being “not good enough”, and always wanted to be the best of the best. Even till today, I have the tendency to do so still.

I am no professional writer nor do I have top-notch language skills, but I came to realize that I am and will always be my biggest critic. No one is ever perfect. In fact, it’s only a matter of how we perceive ourselves and value our own worth. I’m sure that this article isn’t the best of all that you’ve read, but I constantly remind myself as a content creator that it’s the process and the act of practicing that matters more.

That’s how we can learn, grow and improve ourselves.

In fact, being imperfect allows faster growth as you can always seek feedback and inputs from others to improve. It’s really ok to not be at your 100% best, because great things start from small actions.

And as the saying goes,

“Be the change you want to see in the world.”

Keep your worries aside, worry later, talk less and start doing. Because the secret to making a change, is really, to get started.

Hello there, I’m Anna and thank you so much for reading up on this article. Open to perspectives and always learning! If you like what you’ve read, give this post a reaction! Let me know what you think, and hopefully my inertia energy will keep me writing from this week onwards.

With cheers & love, signing off,

Anna T2M



Anna T2M

Writing stories that matter — issues that I care about, and my journey at the National University of Singapore (NUS).